The UNDP Gender Equality Seal Programme is a gender equality tool which was launched in 2009. At UNDP Jordan, the Gender Equality Seal serves as a learning platform to establish baselines, fine-tune strategies, document . The Seal generates incentives for solid work on gender equality and empowers managers and Country Office team to enhance our . The UNDP Gender Equality Seal | UNDP in the Asia and the ... 28 new enterprises sign-up for the UNDP Gender Equality ... Gender Equality Seal• A corporate certification… Jamaican companies reach new milestone in UNDP's Gender ... 'I am extremely excited, humbled and honoured to receive this award which is a recognition of our hard work and hard efforts to transform UNDP Moldova into a gender equality champion, into a role model and also to position UNDP Moldova as a global agency for advanced . Business for Gender Equality Coalition Biz4GE for a Gender Responsive COVID-19 Action More UNDP COVID-19 BIZ4GE The gender equality seal is a tool to advance the sustainable development agenda and foster business performance More Gender Equality Seal Is a digital tool designed to reveal, characterize and quantify gender gaps and the degree of gender equality in companies, state-owned . UNDP Vacancy: Programme Specialist, Gender, Istanbul ... By engaging with the Seal, UNDP Kazakhstan is better positioned to support government partners and accelerate progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Gender Equality Seal incentivizes UNDP Country Offices to integrate gender equality into all aspects of their development work. Equality@Work Gender Equality Seal | UNDP in Lebanon The Gender Equality Seal: A Certification Programme for ... Piloted in Latin America, with certifications for over 600 companies & 1,900 branches in 14 countries since 2009, a global roll-out of the programme has provided . Understanding the UNDP Gender Equality Seal - YouTube The gender equality seal is a tool to advance the sustainable development agenda and foster business performance. Nov 29, 2016. It promotes equal opportunity practises by introducing a company-wide learning mechanism and firm certification programme. The voluntary awarding programme aims to support and recognize public institutions globally that commit to and improve on advancing gender equality and women's empowerment. The CO established a Gender Focal Team with clear terms of reference and a work plan. In October 2019 UNDP Office in Bishkek became one of the eight Country Offices worldwide which became a Gold Member of Gender Equality Seal Program. The first Gender Strategy for UNDP Bahrain was developed in 2006 for the period 2006-2007. The Gender Equality Seal is a global brand adapted by UNDP from the certification programme for private and public organizations to recognise UNDP's commitment, expertise and effectiveness in protecting and advancing women's rights and gender equality. Upon completing a range o. The Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes good performance of UNDP Country Offices and Regional Hubs in meeting global standards and delivering transformational gender equality results. Looking on are Sharon Coburn Robinson, Director in the Bureau of Gender Affairs, Permanent Secretary in the . UNDP Gender Equality Seal BRC Gender Team Webinar 13 December 2012 Koh Miyaoi Gender Practice Leader for Europe and CIS 2. Recommendations; 1: Recommendation 1: Invest adequate resources in the Gender Equality Seal programme, recognizing that it is a practical and effective tool to ensure that COs are capable of supporting the SDG gender equality agenda. 2: Recommendation 2: Continue with the Gender Equality Seal through the next cycle of UNDP's . The Seal is a collective effort by Government, Private Sector and UNDP to establish and achieve standards that promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace. UNDP in The Gambia receives silver certificate for Gender Equality Seal. A happier, more prod. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal launched in 2009 with a pilot program in Latin America, recognizes organizations for meeting specific standards to promote gender equality and empower women. The program is a corporate mechanism that measures and certifies the achievements and competence of Country Offices, Regional Service Centers and Headquarters Units in advancing women's rights and gender equality. The certification process of the Gender Equality Seal initiative is also a learning . The UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021, the third such strategy, provides a road map to elevate and integrate gender equality into all aspects of UNDP's work to reduce poverty, build . One of the measures taken by the Country Office was becoming part of the UNDP Gender Equality Seal Programme. Gildan is pleased to share that the Company has signed The Gender Equality Seal commitment, a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) coordinated and implemented at the national level by the Mi. It underlies one of the guiding principles of the 2030 Agenda for Development - the concept of 'leaving no one behind'. Over 1400 private and public enterprises have been participating in the project, 419 of which have received certification by national authorities. The remainder are aimed at the Gender Equality Seal Team and the UNDP Gender Team. UNDP Bahrain is part of a second pilot for the Seal. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes the good performance of UNDP Country Offices in delivering transformational gender equality results. The "Gender Equality Seal for the Private Sector", which was initiated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Latin America in 2009, certified by many companies including major brands such as General Electric, IBM, Walmark, and implemented through national programs in 16 countries, is a tool for mainstreaming. Upon completion of every Gender Equality Seal round, the UNDP Gender Team hosts an Awards Ceremony to recognize the progress The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) had developed an assessment tool to track gender equality in the public institutions, in order to create a baseline and to prioritize the work for the coming years. KINGSTON, Dec. 6 (JIS): The Government continues work to ensure gender equality through the launch of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gender Equality Seal certification programme, which aims to address gaps in the workplace and create equitable conditions for both men and women. Equality Seal is about: The Gender Equality Seal (GES) promotes investment in systems that integrate gender equality into the work environment and business strategies. It provides a clear framework to guide senior managers in linking gender equality in the workplace with development results. It provides companies with a mechanism to level the playing field for both women and men at the workplace by promoting investment in systems that integrate gender equality . In 2011, the Gender Team launched the Gender Equality Seal initiative. CAIRO - 6 March 2019: Recognizing a significant progress towards achieving gender equality in Egypt, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with Egypt's National Council for Women (NCW), have granted the UNDP's "Gender Equality Seal" to the Egyptian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA). The Gender Equality Seal, the certification programme is being piloted in Jamaica for the first time - after a successful run in Latin America - with the support of the United Nations Development Programme in Jamaica in partnership with the Bureau of Gender Affairs and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. The gender equality seal is a tool to advance the sustainable development agenda and foster business performance. Stanbic Bank Uganda has signed up to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gender Equality Seal Certification (GES) Program for Public and Private Enterprises. 13 companies, a. Upon completing a range of specific standards. The result? It rests on the insight that increasing synergies between different domains of gender mainstreaming can catalyse both organisational transformation and . 2. Launched in 2011, the Gender Equality Seal programme exemplifies the achievements in gender equality efforts. CUBA. In line with the Gender Equality Strategy and to convene the premises of this strategy, UNDP Ethiopia CO is enrolled in the 2018/19 round UNDP corporate Gender Equality Seal Certification to deliver on transformational gender equality results in the country program. The Gender Seal initiative is a corporate certification process that recognizes UNDP Country Offices for their efforts and achievements in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment. The Gender Equality Seal has three levels of certification (Gold, Silver, and Bronze . Already, a thousand companies have undertaken the Gender Seal certification in Latin America. The UNDP Gender Equality seal is a model for organisations both in the public and private sector to position themselves as equal opportunity entities. Gender Equality Seal. Since 2007, UNDP has supported governments and companies in Latin America participating in the Gender Equality Seal program. The Gender Equality Seal is a corporate quality assurance mechanism that measures and certifies the achievements and competence of Country Offices, as well as Regional Service Centers and Headquarters Units in advancing women's rights and gender equality. The Gender Equality Seal incentivizes UNDP Kazakhstan to integrate gender equality into all aspects of their development work. The Gender Seal programme was undertaken by UNDP Latin America in 2009 and has resulted in substantive progress in the implementation of gender equality in the private sector. UNDP's Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises: Latin American Companies Pioneering Gender Equality International Human Rights Instruments and Standards The Gender Equality Seal is founded on internationally accepted principals, ideals, and agreements regarding human rights and gender equality, including Provide technical advisory services to enterprises that either are running for a Gender Equality Seal or that participate of the Business for Gender Equality Programme 3. RESULTS 2013-2014. The UNDP works with governments to create the framework of the Seals, which are rooted in International Labour Organization conventions, the Women's . UNDP Egypt Wins the Gender Equality Seal Gold Certification. It provides companies with a mechanism to level the playing field for both women and men at the workplace by promoting investment in systems that integrate gender equality . UNDP's Gender Equality Seal assists public and private enterprises in ensuring that their workplaces are fair and equitable. Recommendation 1: Invest adequate resources in the Gender Equality Seal programme, recognizing that it is a practical and effective tool to ensure that COs are capable of supporting the SDG gender equality agenda. Companies Commi t and c ompl ete the Gender Equal i ty Seal Cer ti fi c ati on Pr ogr amme UNDP Wor ks w i th nati onal gov er nments to c r eate a c er ti fi c ati on model tai l or ed to thei r c ountr y 's spec i fi c needs Gov ernments Launc h the Gender In 2016, UNDP Uganda partnered with the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU) to adopt the Gender Equality Seal for Private Enterprises. The RSCA UNDP in collaboration with the Global Gender Team is recruiting a Gender Expert to provide . Beginning with Costa Rica, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile, the Gender Equality Seal program is now active in 12 countries in the region, involving over 400 companies. Pursuit of gender equality at the workplace sets in motion employee performance schemes … Better align UNDP programming with the centrality of gender equality and women's empowerment to the achievement of sustainable development; and ; Build upon institutional mechanisms for gender mainstreaming such as the Gender Equality Seal and the Gender Marker, which provide measurable standards and incentives to drive. Helping countries to prepare for and protect people from the pandemic and its impacts, to respond during the outbreak, and to recover from… GENDER EQUALITY SEAL. RUBIS Energy Jamaica, Island Grill, Facey Commodity, Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, Development Bank of Jamaica and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce will become the first in the English-speaking Caribbean to submit their internal operations for review, revision and strengthening, with the aim of securing a Gender Equality Seal globally coordinated by the UN Development Programme. But it is also a tool that supports and empowers managers and staff in identifying and making changes needed to support gender equality at the workplace. It looks at how interactions between different domains of gender mainstreaming can catalyse results both in the organization and development results. Pioneered in Latin America beginning since 2009 with the support of UNDP, the Gender Equality Seal for Public and Private Enterprises (GES) is an innovative programme engaging the private sector to achieve excellency standards to . In 2013, the CO applied for the Gender Equality Seal certification process. Continue Seal at least next 2 cycles and invest adequate resources. UNDP Moldova was awarded the Golden Gender Equality Seal, for substantial contribution to national gender equality goals. Gender equality, centered in human rights, is both a development goal on its own and a critical factor for achieving sustainable development. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal: Quality Certification for Gender Mainstreaming UNDP's Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises: Latin American Companies Pioneering Gender Equality Fresquita Industry, Costa Rica The Gender Equality Seal sets out to close this gap by digging into the "DNA" of an enterprise and reviewing recruitment and selection The Gender Equality Seal (GES) is an evidence-based initiative that recognizes good performance and accountability in delivering transformational gender results. UNDP supports partners in 17 countries around the world to meet gender equality targets. A core component of the UNDP Gender Equality Strategy is the Gender Equality Seal which is a corporate quality assurance mechanism that measures and certifies the achievements and capability of Country Offices in advancing women's rights and gender equality. UNDP supports partners to eliminate gender inequalities through targeted, gender . The Gender Equality Seal that was launched in 2011 has already engaged 57 Country Offices and has helped bring significant change and development in the area of gender equality by building positive synergies between different domains of . • The Gender Equality Seal process combines quality assurance with learning and capacity . The Forum also discussed UNDP's 'Gender Equality Seal' programme, which certifies companies that have eliminated pay gaps, increased the number of women in decision-making roles and made progress in ending sexual harassment in the workplace. Better align UNDP programming with the centrality of gender equality and women's empowerment to the achievement of sustainable development; and ; Build upon institutional mechanisms for gender mainstreaming such as the Gender Equality Seal and the Gender Marker, which provide measurable standards and incentives to drive. Pioneered in Latin America beginning since 2009 with the support of UNDP, the Gender Equality Seal for Public and Private Enterprises (GES) is an innovative programme engaging the private sector to achieve excellency standards to It is a learning and certification programme, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to help businesses achieve Gender Equality, which is Goal Five of UNDP is guided in its work by its Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 which details how UNDP works towards gender equality in each of the goals and key results. Gender mainstreaming is the cornerstone of development and peacebuilding, it occupied a very important part in SDGs and Agenda 2030. Selection Criteria and schedule of payments: The UNDP Gender Equality Seal: Quality Certification for Gender Mainstreaming What is the UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme? The Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes good performance of UNDP Country Offices and Regional Hubs in meeting global standards and delivering transformational gender equality results. With a final score of 72%, fulfilling 28 out of 39 benchmarks, The Gambia Country Office achieved a SILVER level certification in the 2019-2020 round of the Gender Seal. The Gender Team works to implement gender equality as a core objective of UNDP through a two-pronged approach (i) mainstreaming gender in all core practices; and, (ii) dedicated interventions that empower women and promote gender equality. management. The programme aims to reduce gender gaps and promote equality at the work place and women's economic empowerment. The Gender Equality Seal in Public and Private Sector are a big component of the GEWE (Canada) project and are currently being implemented by the RSCA Gender Team with the technical support of the Global and Panama Regional Hub Gender Teams. Gender equality and women's empowerment are seen as goals in their own right and are also central to the achievement of UNDPs development mandate. In 2011, the Gender Team launched the Gender Equality Seal initiative. Since its implementation, 1,400 public and private companies in 11 countries are participating in the Program and many more are expected to participate. It is designed as a strategic planning and learning exercise that will improve the efficiency and impact of the COs work on gender, and accelerate the momentum towards sustainable results. Since 2010, UNDP has supported the development and implementation of the Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme in 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Gender Equality Seal for UNDP Country Offices promotes an organizational culture of equality and incentivizes country offices to meet standards by integrating gender into all aspects of development work. UNDP. UNDP CUBA GOLD SEAL. The Gender Equality Seal is expanding globally, after it piloted in Latin America, with more than 400 companies across ten countries have been certified since 2009. Reflection: "The learning experience generated; the incentive and ownership of the certification process; the . In order to further enhance Gender Mainstreaming in the Country Office; UNDP Bahrain embarked on a Gender Certification process in order to obtain the UNDP Gender Equality Seal. February 21, 2018. The GE Seal is a quality certification process that assesses the ability of UNDP country offices to deliver on gender equality. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes the good performance of UNDP Country Offices in delivering transformational gender equality results. monitor gender gaps in the private sector as part of the Gender Equality Seal (GES), including the GBV module and other modules to come 2. Training in the UNDP Gender Equality Seal for Public and private Enterprises Advisor is an added advantage: Sound knowledge on national, regional and global gender equality frameworks: Language Requirement: Proven excellent communication and writing skills in English. The Gender Equality Seal: A Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises supported by UNDP UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme Raquel Lagunas, Senior Gender Advisor UNDP New York How can standards contribute to Goal 5 of the UN Agenda 2030, "Achieve gender Gender Equality Seal gaining support among private sector companies in Jamaica. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes good performance of UNDP Country Offices, Regional Service Centers and Headquarters in delivering gender equality results. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a certification programme that provides incentives for our offices in the field to integrate gender equality into all aspect. The Seal is a collective effort by Government, Private Sector and UNDP to establish and achieve standards that promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace. The Gender Equality Seal: A Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises supported by UNDP December 19, 2017 The booklet showcases how the Gender Equality Seal is being implemented with UNDP support adding value to businesses and governments in Latin America. "The Gold Seal is an affirmation of the hard work, dedication and commitment of our team . 1. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate standard for gender equality that organizations can qualify for and be benchmarked against to receive certification in accordance with best practices on gender equality inside an organization. The official launch of the programme took place on December 5 at The Knutsford Representatives of the twenty eight (28) private sector companies who committed to participate in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gender Equality Seal Certification (GES) Programme for Private Enterprises with the Representatives from UNDP, PSFU, Swedish Embassy and Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. The Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions (GES) is a innovative gender equality seal recognition and global programme for public institutions that commit to advance gender equality and women's empowerment in their policies and programmes, and their work place. UNDP Gender Equality Seal Assessor Kemban Kolektif PLT Okt 2021 - Kini 3 bulan. UNDP COVID-19 BIZ4GE Business for Gender Equality Coalition Biz4GE for a Gender Responsive COVID-19 Action Contact Us Donate Now UNDP'S INTEGRATED APPROACH: PREPARE, RESPOND, RECOVER Our response is framed around three objectives. Caribbean United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises is a collective effort involving national governments, private sector companies and civil society to establish and achieve standards that empower women. The Gender Focal Team, which includes staff from operations and programming and is headed by the Country Director, has been . According to the UNDP, the key areas for the Gender Equality Seal certification include: • Eliminating gender-based pay gaps • Increasing women's roles in decision-making The Gender Equality Seal programme for RBEC aims to empower managers and accelerate changes needed to support national gender equality goals combining quality assurance with learning and capacity building of staffs with 13 participating offices for the year 2021-2023. Reviewing the results and background . Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1. Review the online assessments of 4-6 Country Offices and provide a review and recommendations report, as well as facilitate a dialogue with the country offices. The Gender Equality seal was developed in collaboration with the private sector & governments to create certification incentives when commitments towards gender equality are met. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal Nov 13, 2017 To close persistent gender gaps in the workplace, the United Nations Development (UNDP), in partnership with national governments and the private sector is developing a Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme through which private companies can be recognized for meeting specific standards to . The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certification process that recognizes the good performance of UNDP Country Offices in delivering transformational gender equality results. It has worked with 82 UNDP Country Offices across all regions. Designed by UNDP in 2007, it aims to strengthen performance across the . • The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate certifcation process that recognizes good performance of UNDP Country Offices, Regional Service Centres and Regional Bureaux in delivering tranformative results for gender equality. UNDP Resident Representative Mr Bruno Pouezat greets Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Hon Olivia 'Basby' Grange. It rests on the insight that increasing synergies between different domains of gender mainstreaming can catalyze both organizational transformation and . This is a significant improvement from a baseline of 44% in the 2018 assessment. rnWhJ, weIxU, BBMaa, eqkPRP, znzwRA, ADZWubN, ovYOXz, OCm, YiZ, aMlqol, YOlRPl,
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