The lineage of Erdrick is once again presented, albeit in a much more subdued way in Dragon Quest Builders 2, an alternate reality of the events taking place after the conclusion of Dragon Quest II. 103 subscribers 1st video in the playthrough for Dragon Quest 3 on the snes in english. The hero's outfit is slightly different in the Famicom illustrations, having a gold circlet with a blue gem around their forehead, and a dark blue cloak around their neck. The Hero of Dragon Quest III appears as a costume for theHero, along with the Heroes ofXI,IV, andVIII. Aliahan The hero wields a simple sword and a grey heater shield with an insignia of a dragon's head and two crossed swords on the front. The Game Boy Color version of the game was the first official translation of the personality names, as the Super NES version of the game was never officially translated and released in English. If the player decides to play dumb, they will get the Lout personality. One of the patrons wants the player to ask the dancer if they will marry him, but she is not so keen to go through with the engagement. Dragon Quest Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ship Lucky devil and happy camper, while proving merely average stat gains, provide large increases in luck which make you much less likely to be affected by status effects. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Top. The Hero's MP growth is rather weak and they won't be able to cast many spells in the beginning of the game they won't be able to do much, usually just reserved for attacking and only using magic when other party members are out of MP. The older brother is injured and is insisting that the younger brother take the last of their water and leave him behind. Warrior and martial artist maximum MP is always 0. If the player kills the nun but spares the child, they will get the Wimp personality. If stats have an equal bonus, the base stat value is used to break the tie. Great Pit of Giaga DrummerIX ViP Posts: 2851 . In total, there are 43 different questions that can be asked, including 1 question which can be asked twice. Shrine of the Dwarf If you go Resilience, they have to start with 11/10 VIT (Male/Female) and every other Stat has to be 8 or lower (except Luck which has to be 14 or lower). Cantlin, Baramos' Lair Helmets Immigrant Town The king of Aliahan has discreetly sent word of the Hero's journey to the monarchs of every major nation--this is why the kings and queens warmly receive them even though the citizenry knows nothing of their mission. Ortega then quietly dies in the Hero's arms. Skyfell Tower Bones of Baramos Keeping with Dragon Quest tradition, the Hero/Heroine is a silent protagonist, they have no actual lines of dialogue, their personality is dictated by the player, though they are often praised and celebrated for their courage and heroism, being pillars of goodness and bravery, taking on impossible tasks and coming out on top through many hardships and tribulations. Nail Mark by DrummerIX Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:58 pm, Post The personality names were re-translated for the mobile and Nintendo Switch versions of Dragon Quest III. i cannot even mark them, Dragon Quest III [Yuzu, Switch] + 20 Table, Re: Dragon Quest III [Yuzu, Switch] + 15 Table, Re: Dragon Quest III [Yuzu, Switch] + 20 Table. Book items can be found throughout the game, with many hidden in bookcases and pots in towns. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The player finds themselves in a peaceful village. If the player kills more than two people but spares the child and the nun, they will get the Spoilt brat personality. The king bestows upon them the title of Erdrick, the most sacred honour that the land has, and the stratum gap between the world above and Alefgard closes before the Hero can return. Sunstone Paragon obviously works well with physically inclined classes such as the warrior and martial artist, as it will make their attack rating skyrocket. After the 210 bonus stats are distributed and HP/MP calculated, the player is given the opportunity to accept or reject the results. Now all three instalments of the Erdrick Trilogy can be played in the palm of your hand! Not that you'd even want it on those Classes anyway, Vamp is pretty garbage on them. Ortega's father (paternal grandfather)Ortega (father)Unnamed mother Hero (DQ1) (descendant) Hero (DQ2) (descendant)Prince of Cannock (descendant)Princess of Cannock (descendant)Princess of Moonbrooke (descendant) In the remakes, this requirement is removed after defeating Zoma. Cookie Notice The sexy personality (or "Vamp" in the iOS version) is often regarded as the best due to its +70% composite attribute bonus. If the player ignores the task or only delivers one boulder, they will get the Lazybones personality. If you encourage the brother to leave his sibling behind, you get the Thug personality. Norvik The personality types without a corresponding book or item are: Amazon, Contrarian, Drudge, Egghead, Everyman, Free spirit, Gourmand, Idealist, Klutz, Lazybones, Lout, Meddler, Narcissist, Scatterbrain, Shrinking violet, and Straight arrow. If the player tries to save the girl,they will get the Straight Arrow personality. Mountaincleaver As the Hero's legacy has grown in the distant time between the events of Dragon Quest III and the events of Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II, several items and powerful pieces of equipment that once belonged to the Hero are now addressed with their title "Erdrick" in their names. Path of Promise They climb out of a well and find themselves in the middle of a town full of innocent people. A character's personality type can be changed permanently with a book, or temporarily with an item. The light of the sun has begun to shine in Alefgard for the first time in untold years, and the people receive the Hero as nothing short of a messiah sent by the Goddess. Ghost Ship Daydreamer is a pretty balanced personality for a priest (agi and wis bonus), but I just got the garter and equipped it on her for the Vamp personality (same agi and wis bonus, but more bonuses on other areas). Magic key Unable to rejoin friends and family above, the Hero settles down in their new home and begins a family that will continue their legacy of standing resolute in the face of desolating evil, while also leaving behind powerful equipment and tools so that their future descendants may use them to protect the world. Spells Damdara 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Beyond the gear the Hero took into battle, they also left behind a tablet with a message written left for their descendant inDragon Quest. Kidnapper's Cave Any of the 29 possible personalities can be obtained from any of the 5 starting questions. These scenarios determine the final personality. Shrines Wrecking ball, Armor For the Hero, theirs is decided by the Personality Test, for the rest of their Party, it depends on their Starting Stats (that you have some, though not FULL control over). Any of the 30 possible personalities can be obtained from any of the 5 starting questions. Finally, a personality is chosen based on class, highest ranked stat and the value of its bonus, and sometimes the second highest ranked stat, gender, and weighted chance. Tanaya Wayfarer's Inn Wayfarer's Chapel He asks the player if they will retrieve it for him. Rainbow Drop At the end of each possible question chain is an imaginary scenario in which the hero must decide what to do. If a personality cannot be obtained using any item, then it's only available for a character at game start; "not starting hero" means that the Hero cannot start the game with it. They are of average height and build, and they have incredibly spiky, dark brown hair. Choose the class you will be recruiting, then choose a fully positive personality for the class that you are recruiting, for example, the Honest personality for Priests/Clerics (which is primarily Str, Vit, and Int focused). Daredevil provides above-average agility and resilience which provides a balanced defense along with better priority. Lover's locket The Hero/Heroine (Male in original NES version, either male/female in remakes) of Dragon Quest III is the son/daughter of Ortega who is sent to destroy the Archfiend Baramos before he can destroy the world. Staff of Rain Interestingly, the Hero starts the game by being woken by their mother before going on their quest, a scenario that would repeat when. We'll have a full review of the game c. Class Hikaru Midorikawa (Dragon Quest III CD Theater)Nobuyuki Hiyama (Super Smash Bros. At the start of a new game, the hero is asked a series of questions by an unknown source. Next:The Optimal Way To Play Dragon Quest III Is As A Sexy Lady. Ramia by DrummerIX Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:21 am, Post Amazon? King's crown Before leaving the test, the hero must tell the chancellor a king's orders must be obeyed, and confirm that the orders are set in stone. Words of Wisdom As for the main hero theres a flowchart somewhere that dictates what personality you get for the choices you make in the intro. First off, obviously you have to pick. Zoma's Citadel, Little Shrine This is helpful for character with multiple abilities as they are vulnerable to various effects and are more likely to be physically weak. The player is asked to enter their real name and birth date, however these inputs have no effect on the resulting personality test. Base Damage = (Attack - Defense/2)*modifier Finally, a personality is chosen based on the class, the highest bonus, the value of that bonus, the second-highest bonus in some cases, and random chance. The base values from the above table are subtracted from the final starting stats to get the bonus values, i.e. What would be the best personality for warriors, martial artists and merchants then? A community dedicated to the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series by Square-Enix. Age Also the King of Moonbrooke, despite being only an illusory copy of the original ruler, still possessed the superior magical talent of Erdrick's bloodline and as such he was instrumental in assisting the Builder in the creation of a magic superweapon, the Kazapple Cannon. List of alchemy recipes in Dragon Quest VIII, Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory. Hermitage I am thinking the Paragon personality for the Hero is too one-sided, too much focused on strength, when the Hero should be more balanced. This allows him to evade debilitating spells more easily. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it. Vamp (, sekush gyaru, "Sexy Gal", translated as sexy in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade. In the Dragon Quest III remakes, lothario is a male-only personality that improves strength, resilience, and wisdom growth, but reduces agility and luck growth.. At the start of the game, a male hero becomes a lothario by receiving the final test of character in the castle. It talks about getting character personality for character/class stat setup. The 32 possible starting personalities for a hero are: Clown Crybaby Daredevil Daydreamer Drudge Egghead Free spirit Good egg Happy camper Idealist Klutz Lazybones Lone wolf Lothario (male only) Lout Mule Narcissist Paragon Plugger Scatterbrain Show-off Shrinking violet Slippery devil Socialite Sore loser Spoilt brat Straight arrow Thug It might be best for the player to restart the game if they don't get the question that they want. Reaching the lowest level of the castle, the Hero kills the king hydra before fighting through theanimated corpse of Baramosand the fiend's verysoulon their way to Zoma's throne. After the final starting attributes have been determined, a calculation is performed to determine the personality. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Modifier = .39-.59. The goddess asks questions in order to determine the character of the player, which ends in a scenario where they are given different choices on how to proceed. If the player ignores the first sign, they will get the Narcissist personality. Theddon, Alefgard Although the requirements for getting the personality you want may result in skewed starting attributes, that is a minor inconvenience. Before she succumbs to her age, she gives the Hero theSphere of Lightand reassures them that their destiny is one of great courage and hardship for the benefit of the entire world. The first question is randomly chosen from the 5 possible starting questions. This page was last edited on 24 May 2021, at 12:54. If the player ignores the second, third, or fourth sign,they will get the Defiant personality. The five stats are ranked from highest to lowest bonus. Neither VIT nor INT can have the second highest bonus from applying seeds. This one really fleshes most of the series staples out. Galen's House Vamp Definition (yes, it's a word long prior to Twilight): A woman who aggressively seduces men, sometimes to exploit or manipulate them. Alltrades Abbey If stats have an equal bonus and value, ties are broken randomly. Boss troll These scenarios determine the final personality. focusing on a personality that gives the highest bonus for a particular attribute). Around their forehead is a silver circlet inlaid with a green gem. Wit increases your potential MP and is a promising choice for the hero, as Zoom, Kazap, and Omniheal are very expensive to cast. Rmaji name There are a total of 45 possible personalities. Possible exceptions to the above are daredevil, vamp, and lone wolf. TheHerois assigned one of 32 personalities through a test at the beginning of the game. At the start of a new game, the hero is asked a series of questions by an unknown source. The Hero is assigned one of 30 personalities through a test at the beginning of the game and recruited members are assigned a personality based on their starting attributes. Book items can be found throughout the game, with many hidden in bookcases and pots in towns. Weapons. Personalities are a game mechanic added to the remakes of Dragon Quest III which effect character attribute growth. Taking up a new quest to defeat the true evil, the Hero travels through theGreat Pit of Giagato the world below and arrives inAlefgard, which is sealed in perpetual darkness under the devil's heel. If the player brings back 2 to 5 boulders, then they will get the Show-off personality. Some personalities are better for building a particular attribute and are meant for advanced progression strategies (e.g. After the final starting stats have been determined, a calculation is performed to determine the personality. In the World you will find various books. Manoza Six legendaryorbsare gathered by the Hero along their trek, which they use to hatch the legendary EverbirdRamia. Personality does not effect anything significant in the game other than stats, so it does not benefit the player to have any character with a personality that results in a negative overall composite total. At the start of a new game, the hero is asked a series of questions by an unknown source. by 7hornadus Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:15 am, Post Edina In addition, its bonuses, while generally high across the board, are not as high in any attribute as the game's more "specialized" personalities. Note that in most Dragon Quest games, stats are determined randomly at level up, or according to a specific distribution of growth.,,, Dragon Quest III, X, and Monster Parade personalities, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Not only the original weapon was crucial in saving the people of the illusory Moonbrooke, but it's design was later copied and used to permanently extinguish the evil part of Malroth's soul. Asham The end results of this is are thus: Each point of Strength increases your Damage by ~0.5 points, each point of Agility adds ~0.5 to your defense and increases one's chance of going first by variable amounts (depending on the enemy's Agility relative to yours), each point of Luck increases your status resistance by ~0.05-0.24% (depending on which specific spell is being used against you), and each point in Vitality and Intelligence gives +2 extra points into HP and MP respectively. Personality is a character attribute introduced in the Dragon Quest III remakes, and also used in Dragon Quest Monsters, Dragon Quest Monsters 2, Dragon Quest X, and Dragon Quest: Monster Parade. Jipang Each seed will increase the single stat by 13 points. King Hydra Walkthroughs, Introductions, Openings: Their mother was shown reading a red book that detailed the adventure of theLuminarybefore walking upstairs to awaken their child. The player is trapped in a dungeon where they are instructed on the safest path by different signs. Gaia's Navel The spirit of Hargon, who survived inside an illusory world, was planning to attack and destroy the real world, but the main reason behind said machination was specifically to spite the scions of Erdrick who previously defeated him. Tough cookie is an optimal choice for players who prefer durability. If the player brings back 6 to 19 boulders, then they will get the Plugger personality. Vamp is popular for its multiple above average stats with a possible weakness in its average resilience. Personalities can be changed throughout the game with the use ofbook itemsand by equipping certain pieces of equipment. Recruited members are assigned a personality based on their starting stats. Some . Personalities can be changed throughout the game with the use of book items and by equipping certain pieces of equipment. pachisi ticket drops/steals in SNES vs GBC. Dragon Quest III Bestiary Shields 1st video in the playthrough for Dragon Quest 3 on the snes in english. What makes them different from most Dragon Quest heroes is that in the SFC and later versions, their personalities are tested by the Ruler of Everything. Lone wolf has good increases in agility, resilience and wisdom. Robbin' 'ood In the Dragon Quest III remakes, vamp is a female-only personality that improves all stat growth. The vocations that would most benefit from the increased agility, spellcasters, cannot start with this personality. Romarian Outpost Unexpectedly, they will find their quest expanding beyond their wildest expectations and will take on . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Pirates' Den For example, the mighty armlet changes your warrior's personality and gives a 140% stat growth in strength each time you level. While every person descended from them carries their spirit, the most notable of them all are theScion of Erdrick, who saved Alefgard from the threat of the Dragonlord and founded the kingdoms of Midenhall, Cannock and Moonbrooke, and the heirs of said kingdoms, thePrince of Midenhall, thePrince of Cannock, and thePrincess of Moonbrooke, who united and vanquisced the foul High Priest Hargon. The player awakens in a forest with an old man. The first question is randomly chosen from the 5 possible starting questions. It's a great update of a game that originally came out during a generation whose primary hobbies were tank barrel cleaning and fighting the USSR. The 32 possible starting personalities for a hero are: The 13 personalities which the hero cannot start with are: Characters which are created and recruited at Patty's place have different mechanism to determine their personality. These questions determine the hero's starting personality. For the title, see Erdrick. If the player follows the king's orders, then they will get the Lothario personality (if they are male) or the Vamp personality (if they are female). the amount by which each attribute exceeds the base value for the character's gender and class. For this reason, choosing female characters is often preferred since males cannot have said personality. If the player says no to both the chancellor and the king, they will get the Good egg personality. They wear a long blue tunic over a yellow long-sleeved shirt and pants, a pair of knee-length leather boots, leather gloves, and a long purple cloak around their necks. This is a list of personalities in the Dragon Quest III remakes. In total, there are 43 different questions that can be asked, including 1 question which can be asked twice. If you tell him to leave the canteen behind, you get the Daredevil personality. The result is a slightly skewed set of attributes, but after a couple of levels they will be on track again. There were also no illustrations of the heroine until the Super Famicom remake: in certain illustrations, the heroine's outfit is more feminised, making her blue tunic a strapless miniskirt. It provides the highest overall stat growth of any personality. Tantegel The most highly valued book is the Vamp book which is obtainable through one of the wishes the first bonus boss grants. In the Dragon Quest III CD Theater audio and Emblem of Roto manga, his name is Arel (). There are a total of45possible personalities. Nordy's Grotto Galen The castle begins to collapse due to the force of the battle, and the Hero emerges from theNail Marknorth of Tantegel. The Hero's bloodline is that of powerful men and women blessed by the goddess Rubiss who are destined to save the world from the grips of darkness. Opinion #2: Note that in most Dragon Quest games, attributes are determined randomly at level up, or according to a specific distribution of growth. If the player follows the signs,they will get the Mule personality. Ice Cave (GBC only), Black pepper There are 8 different scenarios that can be played depending on the player's answers to the questions. If the player says Yes, they will get the Crybaby personality. Gender How to figure out Dragon Quest III's starting personality quiz and what each outcome means. The player is asked to enter their real name and birth date, however these inputs have no effect on the resulting personality test. Bottomless pot Simo If the player follows the king's orders, then they will get the Lothario personality (if they are male) or the Vamp personality (if they are female). Every wondrous weapon, spectacular spell and awesome adversary in this rich fantasy world is yours . gonna be getting this game in a week or so - any tips? Monster Medal Patty's Party Planning Place The Hero/Heroine (Male in original NES version, either male/female in remakes) of Dragon Quest III is the son/daughter of Ortega who is sent to destroy the Archfiend Baramosbefore he can destroy the world. DRAGON QUEST III: The Seeds of Salvationone of the most highly acclaimed and best-selling games in the franchise is finally here for mobile! In skewed starting attributes, that is a list of personalities in the palm of your hand na getting... Growth of any personality has good increases in agility, resilience and wisdom figure out Dragon VIII. 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